Glan Aber Tennis Club, Chester
Glan Aber Tennis Club, Chester

Summer Newsletter 2024

Welcome to all our members - those who have renewed and those that have recently joined us.  Here's our Summer Newsletter with lots of useful information.

Newsletter Summer 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [99.0 KB]

Club Championships Tournament 2024

Tournament play schedules are on the noticeboard in the Club house.  You can view these now under the Club Championships tab on this website.

Finals will be held on Sunday 8th September 2024.



An enjoyable afternoon was had by all who attended.  We raised over £40 for our Community Outreach Fund as well.

LTA Open Day Roadshow - Sunday 1st May 2022



Phil Leighton, an LTA Level 5 Coach, visited 12 local schools to promote tennis to 4 to 8 year olds.  Glan Aber and Chester Tennis Clubs worked together to liaise with schools and run Open Day Roadshows at their respective clubs over the weekend with both clubs offering on-going promotional tennis courses.

The Open Days were a big success.  Our three hour-long Sunday sessions, run by Phil Leighton in conjunction with Aidan and our coaching team, saw 200+ children experience fun on-court activities.  We were delighted to sign up over 50 new players.  The promotional courses included 6 weekly tennis lessons plus a racquet.


Thank you  to everyone who supported the Open Day.

Cheshire LTA Awards Evening & Chester & District AGM


Delighted that Ashley Rogers was presented with the Tennis for Life Award for his contribution to Glan Aber over many years.  Not only was Ash the Club Treasurer for 20 years, he was involved with the relocation of the club to its site in Westminster Park.  Whilst no longer on the Committee, Ash is now a Trustee of the Club and we value his wealth of background knowledge.



Congratulations to our Men's A team who won division 1 again in the summer.  Well done - Ian Britton (Captain) and Richard Evans represented the Club and collected our trophy.


Glan Aber Tennis Club, Chester

Westminster Park
Hough Green




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© Glan Aber Tennis Club, Chester